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Top Yoga Myths


1. You have to be flexible to do yoga.
If you aren't flexible now, imagine yourself in 10, 20, or 30 years? Start practicing now so you CAN be flexible.Yoga requires a combination of strength, balance, and flexibility. Everyone has at least one of these in their favor and you can use that to help you improve the other areas of your practice.

2. Men don't do yoga.
Yoga was started by men and practiced exclusively by men thousands of years ago. The popularity of yoga among men is growing today. The ratio of men to women in some yoga classes has grown from 1:10 to 1:2 in the past few years.

3. Yoga is a religion.
Yoga is built on spirituality and the promotion of being kind and compassionate towards yourself and others. It is not a religion and does not judge religions. It is accepting of all religion.


4. Yoga is just for 20-somethings.  
If you have physical limitations, try a gentle yoga class or other class specific to your condition. Another option is a private classes to establish a routine you can do on your own.


5. Yoga's too much of a time-commitment.
Any practice of yoga will benefit you. Even a 10-minute routine first thing in the morning at home will strengthen your body and mind.


6. Yoga's only for people who are fit and thin.
A yoga class is a place of nonjudgement. Everyone is there to better themselves physically and mentally. Take a beginner's class or workshop and ease yourself into regular classes. Depending on your intention, yoga can help you attain a healthier weight or allow you to love and accept yourself as you are.


7. Yoga is not for people with injuries or chronic pain.
This is the reason why you should practice yoga. Speak to your teacher before class about your special conditions so they can give you modifications and keep an eye on you. Yoga is healing and can help you with your pain relief.


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